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Authenticity Check

Authenticity Check

A new Warranty Seal has been gradually introduced in all the packaging where two new elements are to be added. On the right hand, a hologram as a security item will be added and on the left hand, next to the Cote d´ Arms, a bar code will personalize every package.


This label will always be placed from the upper left side of the box or display, leaving 3 to 6 mm from the edge and to be bending up to the front right over the center of the Cote d´Arms whenever possible.

This Seal has been developed through a base of synthetic paper with special characteristics such as an auto-destructive feature before any attempts of removal and with several maximum security techniques added.

 Non-transferred label

  • Any attempt to remove it, will cause invalidation of the seal by self destruction.
  • Highly adherence of the paper (plastic) Auto-destructive, Self-destructive.
  • Scan and Photocopy Protected System.
  • The holographic band will show a bicolor text in 2nd and 3rd dimension.
  • Elements with optical variations attached. Also it will enclose a micro dot only visible through laser scanner.

On the other hand, a unique bar code will be applied on every single box thus customizing every packaging. This information will be saved in a data base allowing the identification of this product everywhere, whom this product was addressed to as well as the Invoice number, amongst other details.